30 Oct 2024

Largest SPAR logistics centre in Croatia

SPAR on course for expansion in Central Europe! BRUCHA receives the order for the production & installation of 75,000 sqm BRUCHA panels PIR+ & fire protection, as well as window and door portals, roof seals, cold & deep-freeze rooms, external, normal & deep-freeze room hinged & sliding doors EI 90, galvanised impact protection, fire protection partitions, parapet covers, corner cladding and much more.

Largest SPAR logistics centre in Croatia

With an investment of over 110 million euros, SPAR Croatia is building its own logistics centre in Klinča Sela for the first time. The largest logistics centre in the SPAR Austria Group has a storage capacity of 100,000 pallet spaces and is equipped with more than 170 loading ramps. The logistics centre forms the basis for further expansion in Croatia. More than 500 employees already work at the warehouse in Klinča Sela. Source: presse.spar.at

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