Environmental Policy

Sustainability is not an empty phrase for us, but a matter of course that we live by every day. In order to protect our environment in the best possible way and to leave an intact ecosystem for future generations, the responsible use of our natural resources is particularly important to us. Therefore, we design our production and assembly processes to be as sustainable as possible and rely on efficient energy use. This responsible approach is firmly anchored in our corporate philosophy as well as in the form of our environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015 and is underpinned by various certifications.

Environmental Policy

In concrete terms, this means:

  1. We communicate our standards and goals to all employees.

  2. We continuously optimise the environmental management system.

  3. We are committed to fulfilling and monitoring all legal requirements.

  4. We continuously improve the use of energy in production.

Through constant process optimisation and the production of sustainable, certified products, we live an environmental policy that reduces COâ‚‚ pollution in the long term and reduces our ecological footprint as much as possible.

We act for the generations of the future

From CO₂ reduction to water and waste management to the reduction of greenhouse gases – we have regulated which tasks, goals and values we associate with our environmental policy in topic-specific guidelines. You can find them in our download section.

Our environmental certificates

ISO 14001:2015-Environmental management certification - The BRUCHA environmental management system according to ISO 14001:2015 is regularly audited by external auditors from LLOYDS Register – LRQA Austria. You can find our ISO 14001:2015-certificate in our download section in the "Certificates" category.

BES 6001-certificate - The BES 6001 certificate is a framework standard for the responsible   acquisition of building products. Responsible  acquisition according to BES 6001 includes corporate governance, management along the supply chain and social as well as economic effects. You can find our BES 6001 certificate in our download section in the "Certificates" category.

Cradle-to-Cradle-certification - With the C2C quality mark, we commit ourselves to an ongoing improvement process in the areas of:

  • Material Health

  • Material Reutilization

  • Renewable Energy/Carbon Management

  • Water Stewardship

  • Social Fairness

BRUCHA is the first sandwich panel producer to focus on certified quality and performance improvement through step-by-step pollutant reduction and recycling up to qualitative re-use innovation.

BRUCHA in the DGNB Navigator - As a central online platform, the DGNB Navigator lists building products with all relevant information on their sustainability qualities. Here, manufacturers are linked with contractors (architects, planners, investors, craftsmen, auditors). The standardised DGNB system optimally prepares product information, ensures planning reliability and builds an important bridge between building products and contractors.

Click here for BRUCHA panel in the DGNB Navigator

LEED v4 – BRUCHA sustainability factsheets - Our BRUCHA panels comply with the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) building certification guidelines. You can find the corresponding factsheets in our download section in the "Certificates" category.

BREEAM – BRUCHA sustainability factsheet - Our BRUCHA panels comply with the BREEAM (Building Research Establishment's Environmental Assessment Method) building certification guidelines. You can find the corresponding factsheets in our download section in the "Certificates" category.

Environmental Product Declaration according to ISO 14025 and EN 15804 - BRUCHA has received the EPD Environmental Product Declarations for the BRUCHA panel PU and fire protection for roof, wall and façade. The LCA for manufacturing was calculated according to the Product Category Rules (PCR), which define the requirements for ECO design product development.

You can find our EPD Environmental Product Declarations in our download section under the "Certificates" category.

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